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4 Ways to Activate Community Engagement in the Time of COVID-19

4 Ways to Activate Community Engagement in the Time of COVID-19

During times of trouble, people come together. 

While many organizations are struggling right now, others have the opportunity to step up and engage their communities to give back to those in need. As a company within your community, if you can, you should be at the forefront of building and rebuilding stronger communities. 

Whether you’re a bank, a technology company, or any other type of organization who serves a community, these community engagement tips are designed to help you launch and scale initiatives during this time. 

1. Run a Giving Campaign

We’ve already seen dozens of companies and individuals step up to engage their communities in giving back.

Whether it’s celebrities like Lady Gaga raising over $35 million to the local bank matching contributions, organizations and individuals of all shapes and sizes are stepping up during this time. 

If your organization is stable during this time you should look at running a giving campaign to help those in need.

Giving campaigns don’t have to be complicated. First, select a charity or nonprofit in your community that is on the forefront of the COVID-19 response. By selecting a local organization rather than a national nonprofit, you show that you care about your local community - especially if your community is being hit hard by COVID-19. Or, for organizations that have a few offices, pick one close to each to enable employees to give locally.

If you can, think about those who are impacted harder by the pandemic like communities of color, the homeless, and women and children. 

Once you have decided on a charity to donate to, it’s time to choose how you’ll empower your community to give.

Pinkaloo makes it easy to launch and scale a giving campaign to your community where 100% of proceeds will go directly to the charity of your choice. We’re already helping the state of Massachusetts with their COVID-19 giving program, and we can help you too. 

2. Partner with Other Organizations or Individuals

While one organization bringing their community together can create change, just imagine what’s possible when you activate multiple communities to give back? 

Chances are your organization is already partnering with other businesses on the daily. Why not ask them if they’d like to join your giving campaign? 

Just like celebrities are joining forces to host benefit concerts, you can join your partners together to create a larger giving circle. 

You might also want to look at partnering with wealthy individuals in your communities who might want to get their personal brand associated with giving back to their community. 

3. Match Donations

When creating a giving campaign, it’s not just about activating your community to give back. You’ve got to talk the talk and walk the walk - which is why matching donations are such a powerful force. 

With matching donations, you incentivize your communities to step up because they know that every dollar they donate will be doubled! 

You should timebox your matching gifts to incentivize your community to engage quickly and fiercely. For example, Cape Cod 5 launched a matching campaign where they’re giving up to $100,000 in matching donations to local healthcare organizations.

4. Help Your Own Community 

Have you been talking to your members, followers, users? Chances are, there are people struggling to get by right now within it. 

Take the time to talk to your community by putting out a survey, sending an email, or even having them DM you through social media. 

For those who are struggling right now, you can give back to them by giving them a free account, shutting off automatic payments, or giving them free products during this time. While it’s important to help the larger communities we serve, it’s also critical to be there for our own during these trying times. 

How Will You Engage Your Community During COVID-19?

Community engagement can save lives during this time. Step up and take action today by launching a giving campaign, setting up matching donations, or helping your own community by lessening the burden on them. When we come together, and bring our communities with us, we can change the world today and tomorrow.